We’ve got the latest bags from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, YSL, Coach and many more. Why buy one when you can have them all?
We believe that style shouldn’t be limited to what you own. Prendo is the ideal way to indulge in in the best that luxury brands have to offer for a small percentage of the retail price. It’s where you can indulge in luxury without being bound to the price tag.
Browse through our extensive collection of handbags; ranging from various styles and luxury brands.
Once you pick a bag you love, select a date and leasing period, 3, 7 or 15 days, depending on your intended use.
Tell us where to send your pick, checkout and you are done. Your selected bag will reach you on your selected date.
At the end of your leasing period, simply put the bag back in the original box and it will be picked up right from your doorstep.
We believe that style shouldn’t be limited to what you own. Prendo is the ideal way to indulge in the best that luxury brands have to offer for a small percentage of the retail price. It’s where you can indulge in luxury without being bound to the price tag.
Be it a birthday, anniversary, party, wedding or just another Tuesday; Prendo has the perfect designer bag to help you assert your style!